Inside the mind of my gifted students

Inside the mind of gifted middle school students

I asked them to write things they wish their teachers knew about gifted students in middle school. I asked them to tell me what they need from school from their perspective. They responded in bold colors, with heartfelt messages. PRISM students came back all day to add to the wall to have their unique voices heard. 

*In the days following this activity, the writing remained on the board and the students and I reflected on their messages. Over the course of 4 days, the students have re-read their statements and some have said that their frustrations made their comments sound meaner than their original intent. Nonetheless, when we give students a voice, we need to listen. Their feedback was honest and as their champion I am giving them a place to share and learn how to be empowered advocates for their needs as gifted learners. Links to resources for each statement have now been added as a caption and our hope is that educators will take this opportunity to reflect on their own practices to ensure all of our students are being given the opportunities they deserve to flourish in our schools.



Links for more information: 

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