Transforming education through the MOOC

Transforming education through the MOOC

With great powers, comes great responsibility. As NBCTs, our superpowers are fueled by our students. We have heard the call to action and responded by taking whatever steps necessary to be at the top of our game. We have demonstrated our accomplished practices and with our certificate in hand are charged with serving as the leaders among our profession.

Our responsibility is to learn and share our ongoing skills with a greater community of teachers. Others in our profession look to us as having demonstrated our accomplished teaching status and we must continue to serve in this role to promote our profession. We must be leading the charge as connected educational leaders, helping our colleagues, districts and states move forward into the new, and ever-changing, digital reality.

I cannot remember a time in education when being connected to other dedicated professionals has been more important. As a National Board Certified Teacher, I aim to reach every child through my commitment to the Five Core Propositions. I also just went through the renewal process and reflected on my growth as an educator. One area the National Board focuses on during renewal is our "acquisition and/or effective and appropriate use of technology".

How can we stay ahead of the digital curve as NBCTs?
We become connected educators.
It is abundantly clear to me that this is a non-negotiable for NBCTs. We are, after all, at the top of our game. Being at the top means finding ways to make multiple meaningful connections to learn, share and grow! We know that digital tools can help motivate students, provide them with opportunities to articulate their mastery of content and skills, and connect them to a world of experts to enhance the learning experience.

Where can an NBCT find exceptional resources on how to help lead the learning in their schools with respect to effective use of technology?
A quick click on the Alliance For Excellent Education's Project 24 website ( is external)) opens a world of possibilities with access to expert blogs, curriculum ideas, and tangible suggestions.

One of the greatest tools available is access to the free massive online open course for educators: Digital Learning Transition: Massive Open Online Course for Educators (MOOC-Ed). There are many open courses available online, but this MOOC-Ed explores a specific model designed to provide K–12 educators with self-directed, supported, flexible, yet structured learning opportunities. You will have access to experts who have successfully implemented digital learning initiatives in their schools and will be able to call on their guidance and support.
The eight week course begins September 30 and will help you:
• Understand the potential of digital learning in K-12 schools;
• Assess progress and set future goals for your school or district; and
• Plan to achieve those goals.

Why not sign up(link is external) for the MOOC-ed with a team of teachers, and administrators, and be a part of a learning community of thousands of educators learning and leading the way to help your school district plan effectively implement digital tools? Did I mention it's free?

You are a teacher leader; come join a community where other teacher leaders use technology to improve education.

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